Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

For up to date information on Level UP, visit riipen.com/levelup.

Have questions? Let's chat: levelup@riipen.com.

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Level UP Multidisciplinary Projects


Undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, certificate, diploma, part-time and full-time students are all encouraged to apply. The Level UP program (powered by Riipen) allows employers to bring on Canadian post-secondary students for 80-hour paid projects. Students are paid a $1400 CAD stipend on completion of the project by Riipen . Employers are not required to provide payment. Read more about the program here. Submit a project here for our Level UP coordinators to review. Once approved, students will apply to your project directly - individually, or in teams. Students may be from any Canadian post-secondary institution, and in any academic program. Get specific in your project description about the skills you're looking for in order to attract the most suitable applicants.

Admin Level UP Program Team
Matches 239
Category Social sciences + 4

Level UP SEO & Social Media Projects


Undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, certificate, diploma, part-time and full-time students are all encouraged to apply. The Level UP program (powered by Riipen) allows employers to bring on Canadian post-secondary students for 80-hour paid projects. Students are paid a $1400 CAD stipend on completion of the project by Riipen. Your company is not required to provide payment to students. Read more about the program here. Submit a project here for our Level UP coordinators to review. Once approved, students will apply to your project directly - individually, or in teams. Students may be from any Canadian post-secondary institution, and in any academic program. Get specific in your project description about the skills you're looking for in order to attract the most suitable applicants.

Admin Level UP Program Team
Matches 197
Category Marketing strategy

Level UP Visual Arts, Media, and Design Projects


Undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, certificate, diploma, part-time and full-time students are all encouraged to apply. The Level UP program (powered by Riipen) allows employers to bring on Canadian post-secondary students for 80-hour paid projects. Students are paid a $1400 CAD stipend on completion of the project by Riipen. Your company is not required to provide payment to students. Read more about the program here. Submit a project here for our Level UP coordinators to review. Once approved, students will apply to your project directly - individually, or in teams. Students may be from any Canadian post-secondary institution, and in any academic program. Get specific in your project description about the skills you're looking for in order to attract the most suitable applicants.

Admin Level UP Program Team
Matches 139
Category Marketing strategy

Level Up - Projets en Français!


Tou.te.s les étudiant.e.s sont encouragé.e.s à postuler. Le programme Level UP permet à toute organisation de travailler avec des étudiant.e.s canadien.ne.s de niveau postsecondaire sur des projets rémunérés de 80 heures. Les étudiant.e.s reçoivent un paiement de 1 400 $ CAN versés par Riipen à la fin du projet. Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations. Vous pouvez soumettre un projet ici pour qu’il soit évalué par nos coordinateur.rice.s Level UP. Une fois approuvé, les étudiant.e.s pourront postuler directement à votre projet - individuellement ou en équipe. Soyez le plus précis possible dans la description de votre projet, les compétences recherchées et le nombre d’étudiant.e.s requis. Les projets doivent durer environ 80 heures par étudiant.e, pouvoir être réalisés à distance et donner l’occasion aux étudiant.e.s d’acquérir des compétences. Nos coordinateur.rice.s peuvent vous aider à définir le temps requis pour votre projet.

Admin Stéphanie Liebrecht
Matches 10
Category Media + 4