Managing Teams and Individuals

MGT 3050
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Associate Professor
  • October 5, 2020
    Experience start
  • October 11, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 16, 2020
    Experience end
  • Undergraduate; 3rd year, 2nd year
  • 60 students; teams of 5
  • 15 hours per student
  • Dates set by experience
  • Students self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 2/2 project matches
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any
  • Any industries
business services business consulting communication data analysis research
Project timeline
  • October 5, 2020
    Experience start
  • October 11, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 16, 2020
    Experience end
Student goals and capabilities

Human Resource students will work in teams of 3-5 to conduct research and develop an actionable strategy and make recommendations to solve a Human Resource challenge (e.g., equity, diversity, recruitment, selection, motivation) faced by your organization, stakeholders, and/or clients.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Do a 15 min presentation with a slide deck and speaking notes for the employer (who can attend presentations virtually)

Project Examples

Students can complete projects such as (but not limited to):

--Develop surveys on a topic (like employee engagement) based on scientific research

--Analyze or conduct a review of the scientific research in an area (e.g., work-life balance, flexible work arrangements)

--Make recommendations on how to implement an employee program (e.g., incentive programs)

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Review and evaluate student presentations and provide detailed feedback to students.

Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.