IT Management: Servers and Websites Oh My!

Project scope
Project management Security (cybersecurity and IT security) Information technology NetworkingSkills
planning .net framework standard operating procedure management consulting event managementThank you for considering our project!
The Big Leaf is managing several entrepreneurial endeavours as well as its own website: Management Consulting Firm World's Only Academic Feedback Platform! (splitting from .net) - Advanced Feedback Platform with an initial launch feature of misinformation/disinformation busting. an event management/planning web-app.
All these sites are/will be hosted on our own VPS that we have with Hostinger.
We have setup the VPS, however our web developer is NOT an IT Management expert, nor is he a server setup wizard.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to demonstrate to us: what did we do wrong, what did we do right, what needs fixing, and what needs changing? ... and we need you to implement your recommendations!
Analysis of current system(s)
Compare our practices to Best Practices
Identify Gaps, Weaknesses, Areas Requiring Change
Create a Standard Operating Procedure for our IT Department
Help us Implement and Understand
In any way necessary
About the company
The Big Leaf is hosting this project for it's sister organization, KnowQuest Inc.
KnowQuest Inc.: An advanced feedback company.
See for a pitch deck site (WordPress)
See for the actual feedback platform (MERN Stack)
Note that the .com does NOT reflect our current branding as it is in Alpha.
Note that the .net is closer to our branding it is just WordPress.
Both sites will be updated to reflect the branding YOU help create!