Team and Project Management

January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
February 17, 2024Experience end
January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
To assess your ability to:
- Solidify a binding team agreement with clear expectations of each other, including consequences for positive and negative behavior.
In this course you will be placed in a team and will remain in that team for the course. You will have team assignments each module. This will be an opportunity to work with others, just as it is frequently expected in the workplace. The team work in this class is to help you be develop interpersonal skills that are vital to the work that most, if not all of you will do. Team work, when properly done, has also been shown to help people learn better than working independently (Michaelsen, Watson, & Black, 1989).
We encourage you to adopt a positive mindset with respect to working with your teammates. Seek to be unified in doing good work, in listening and understanding one another, and cooperating in your deliverables. To help you with this, your team must settle on a team agreement. This agreement will help you define expectations that are clear and that everyone signs their name to. If questions, concerns, or problems arise, you are expected to first turn to this agreement to settle them. If a team member does not follow the agreement, he or she may be dismissed from the team. This will mean much more work for that individual, as well as a missed opportunity to develop team skills. We encourage everyone to do their part to make the team work a positive experience.
- Michaelsen, L. K., Watson, W. E., & Black, R. H. (1989). A realistic test of individual versus group consensus decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(5), 834-839
Action Items
- Read the Team Agreement template
- Download Team Agreement template
- As a team, discuss the items in the Agreement.
- Fill in the fields. Take the space you need.
- Sign your Agreement.
- When you have finalized the Agreement, have one person on your team submit a copy of the Agreement to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 25 points.
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
To assess your ability to:
- To connect project management principles with practice.
- To make impact through your project management expertise.
Action Items
- Based on your module 1 brainstorm activities and conversation with Rahi from The Big Leaf, prepare a 1- to 2-page document that includes:
- A concise statement of what the change project is and why it is important.
- A brief plan of what you think has to be done to achieve the change.
- A statement of how you will measure whether the change has been accomplished.
Notes: Projects or an agreed-upon segment of the project should be completed by the submission due date. Key criteria used to evaluate the project will be its prospects for success and the learning exhibited as a result of the project. This learning includes an integrated, comprehensive understanding of the course materials.
- By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 50 points.
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
To assess your ability to:
- Identify reason for change project
- Develop Vision statement
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Reason for change and Vision statement” by using the following guide:
- Need for change
- Considers sources of need for change?
- Environmental? Personal?
- Considers consequences of change?
- Concrete & tangible
- Values-based & intangible
- Considers degree to which the belief of the need for change is accepted? How widespread is the understanding of the need for change?
- Vision statement (This is the change vision statement, not the organizational one!)
- Is it:
- Clear?
- Concise?
- Memorable?
- Inspiring?
- Challenging?
- Related to project?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
To assess your ability to:
- Conduct stakeholder, force field and power analysis
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Stakeholder, force field and power analysis” by using the following guide:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Identified all the stakeholders?
- Quality of analysis of stakeholder needs
- Analysis of stakeholder support of change project
- Identified those who influence the stakeholders?
- Analysis of influence
- Power analysis
- Have they understood the types of power?
- Quality of power analysis?
- Considered the possibility of coalitions?
- Force field analysis
- Identified forces for and against change?
- Considered how these forces could be increased or decreased?
- Considered what new forces could be created?
- Considered “dumb moves” which could cause resistance?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
To assess your ability to:
- Plan action
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “action planning” by using the following guide:
- Which tools for action planning were useful? Why?
- Goal setting: end goal; next goal.
- Critical path considered.
- Contingency planning done.
- Decision tree analysis done.
- Responsibility charting (who does what, when, where, how).
- Others you considered and used.
- How would you propose to assess the validity of your action plan and its prospects for success?
- Does the timed sequenced of activities flow in logical order?
- Were metrics of success and success probabilities considered?
- Is the plan realistic?
- Do you have the personal competence to implement and if not, how will you develop needed competencies or make up for shortcomings in some other way?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 17, 2024Week 6 Milestone (Project Report)
To assess your ability to:
- Create a project report
Submission Instructions
The project report is an important component that is expected by key stakeholders upon completion of a project. In this assignment, you will also compile all previous sections into a comprehensive set of report.
Action Items
- Review, refine, and synthesize the reports you developed throughout the course into a 6- to 8-page document by using the following guide:
- Description of change model
- Rationale for use
- Degree of understanding
- Description of change project
- Fit with model; integration with readings
- Evaluation of success
- Statement of learning
- Lessons learned, individually, if group project
- Integration with readings
- How apply to future change activities
- Quality of exhibits
- Create a 1-to 2-page executive summary, and place it at the beginning of your document.
- Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
- Review your Submission Details and access your Turnitin report. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 125 points.
February 17, 2024Experience end
Experience scope
Talent recruitment Operations Project managementSkills
project management project implementation online communication leadership management team building researchLooking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on learners from Franklin University to be your learner-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over 6 weeks, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.
Learners in this program will focus on effective management of projects and of the teams responsible for project implementation. This course covers fundamental theory and practice of project management in an organizational setting. Students learn to apply knowledge, skills, tools and techniques necessary for effective functioning in a project environment. The course focuses on team lifecycle and dynamics. The course will also provide insights into the leadership processes related to team development.
Deliverables are negotiable, and will seek to align the needs of the learners and the organization.
Some final project deliverables might include:
- A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
- A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
Project timeline
January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
February 17, 2024Experience end
January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
To assess your ability to:
- Solidify a binding team agreement with clear expectations of each other, including consequences for positive and negative behavior.
In this course you will be placed in a team and will remain in that team for the course. You will have team assignments each module. This will be an opportunity to work with others, just as it is frequently expected in the workplace. The team work in this class is to help you be develop interpersonal skills that are vital to the work that most, if not all of you will do. Team work, when properly done, has also been shown to help people learn better than working independently (Michaelsen, Watson, & Black, 1989).
We encourage you to adopt a positive mindset with respect to working with your teammates. Seek to be unified in doing good work, in listening and understanding one another, and cooperating in your deliverables. To help you with this, your team must settle on a team agreement. This agreement will help you define expectations that are clear and that everyone signs their name to. If questions, concerns, or problems arise, you are expected to first turn to this agreement to settle them. If a team member does not follow the agreement, he or she may be dismissed from the team. This will mean much more work for that individual, as well as a missed opportunity to develop team skills. We encourage everyone to do their part to make the team work a positive experience.
- Michaelsen, L. K., Watson, W. E., & Black, R. H. (1989). A realistic test of individual versus group consensus decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(5), 834-839
Action Items
- Read the Team Agreement template
- Download Team Agreement template
- As a team, discuss the items in the Agreement.
- Fill in the fields. Take the space you need.
- Sign your Agreement.
- When you have finalized the Agreement, have one person on your team submit a copy of the Agreement to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 25 points.
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
To assess your ability to:
- To connect project management principles with practice.
- To make impact through your project management expertise.
Action Items
- Based on your module 1 brainstorm activities and conversation with Rahi from The Big Leaf, prepare a 1- to 2-page document that includes:
- A concise statement of what the change project is and why it is important.
- A brief plan of what you think has to be done to achieve the change.
- A statement of how you will measure whether the change has been accomplished.
Notes: Projects or an agreed-upon segment of the project should be completed by the submission due date. Key criteria used to evaluate the project will be its prospects for success and the learning exhibited as a result of the project. This learning includes an integrated, comprehensive understanding of the course materials.
- By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 50 points.
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
To assess your ability to:
- Identify reason for change project
- Develop Vision statement
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Reason for change and Vision statement” by using the following guide:
- Need for change
- Considers sources of need for change?
- Environmental? Personal?
- Considers consequences of change?
- Concrete & tangible
- Values-based & intangible
- Considers degree to which the belief of the need for change is accepted? How widespread is the understanding of the need for change?
- Vision statement (This is the change vision statement, not the organizational one!)
- Is it:
- Clear?
- Concise?
- Memorable?
- Inspiring?
- Challenging?
- Related to project?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
To assess your ability to:
- Conduct stakeholder, force field and power analysis
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Stakeholder, force field and power analysis” by using the following guide:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Identified all the stakeholders?
- Quality of analysis of stakeholder needs
- Analysis of stakeholder support of change project
- Identified those who influence the stakeholders?
- Analysis of influence
- Power analysis
- Have they understood the types of power?
- Quality of power analysis?
- Considered the possibility of coalitions?
- Force field analysis
- Identified forces for and against change?
- Considered how these forces could be increased or decreased?
- Considered what new forces could be created?
- Considered “dumb moves” which could cause resistance?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
To assess your ability to:
- Plan action
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “action planning” by using the following guide:
- Which tools for action planning were useful? Why?
- Goal setting: end goal; next goal.
- Critical path considered.
- Contingency planning done.
- Decision tree analysis done.
- Responsibility charting (who does what, when, where, how).
- Others you considered and used.
- How would you propose to assess the validity of your action plan and its prospects for success?
- Does the timed sequenced of activities flow in logical order?
- Were metrics of success and success probabilities considered?
- Is the plan realistic?
- Do you have the personal competence to implement and if not, how will you develop needed competencies or make up for shortcomings in some other way?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 17, 2024Week 6 Milestone (Project Report)
To assess your ability to:
- Create a project report
Submission Instructions
The project report is an important component that is expected by key stakeholders upon completion of a project. In this assignment, you will also compile all previous sections into a comprehensive set of report.
Action Items
- Review, refine, and synthesize the reports you developed throughout the course into a 6- to 8-page document by using the following guide:
- Description of change model
- Rationale for use
- Degree of understanding
- Description of change project
- Fit with model; integration with readings
- Evaluation of success
- Statement of learning
- Lessons learned, individually, if group project
- Integration with readings
- How apply to future change activities
- Quality of exhibits
- Create a 1-to 2-page executive summary, and place it at the beginning of your document.
- Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
- Review your Submission Details and access your Turnitin report. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 125 points.
February 17, 2024Experience end
Project Examples
Learners in groups of 3-5 will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.
Project activities that learners can complete may include, but are not limited to:
- Identifying and describe the major stages and components of a project for an organization.
- Analyzing the best practices for creating effective project teams
- Recommending personnel for a project team and justifying the recommendations.
- Identifying risks to a project.
- Creating a work breakdown structure; Creating Gantt chart; Creating a project plan.
- Recommending methods for overcoming barriers to project implementation.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
February 17, 2024Experience end
January 8, 2024Experience start
January 14, 2024Week 1 Milestone (Team Agreement)
To assess your ability to:
- Solidify a binding team agreement with clear expectations of each other, including consequences for positive and negative behavior.
In this course you will be placed in a team and will remain in that team for the course. You will have team assignments each module. This will be an opportunity to work with others, just as it is frequently expected in the workplace. The team work in this class is to help you be develop interpersonal skills that are vital to the work that most, if not all of you will do. Team work, when properly done, has also been shown to help people learn better than working independently (Michaelsen, Watson, & Black, 1989).
We encourage you to adopt a positive mindset with respect to working with your teammates. Seek to be unified in doing good work, in listening and understanding one another, and cooperating in your deliverables. To help you with this, your team must settle on a team agreement. This agreement will help you define expectations that are clear and that everyone signs their name to. If questions, concerns, or problems arise, you are expected to first turn to this agreement to settle them. If a team member does not follow the agreement, he or she may be dismissed from the team. This will mean much more work for that individual, as well as a missed opportunity to develop team skills. We encourage everyone to do their part to make the team work a positive experience.
- Michaelsen, L. K., Watson, W. E., & Black, R. H. (1989). A realistic test of individual versus group consensus decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(5), 834-839
Action Items
- Read the Team Agreement template
- Download Team Agreement template
- As a team, discuss the items in the Agreement.
- Fill in the fields. Take the space you need.
- Sign your Agreement.
- When you have finalized the Agreement, have one person on your team submit a copy of the Agreement to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 25 points.
January 21, 2024Week 2 Milestone (Project Proposal)
To assess your ability to:
- To connect project management principles with practice.
- To make impact through your project management expertise.
Action Items
- Based on your module 1 brainstorm activities and conversation with Rahi from The Big Leaf, prepare a 1- to 2-page document that includes:
- A concise statement of what the change project is and why it is important.
- A brief plan of what you think has to be done to achieve the change.
- A statement of how you will measure whether the change has been accomplished.
Notes: Projects or an agreed-upon segment of the project should be completed by the submission due date. Key criteria used to evaluate the project will be its prospects for success and the learning exhibited as a result of the project. This learning includes an integrated, comprehensive understanding of the course materials.
- By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 50 points.
January 28, 2024Week 3 Milestone (Project Interim 1)
To assess your ability to:
- Identify reason for change project
- Develop Vision statement
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Reason for change and Vision statement” by using the following guide:
- Need for change
- Considers sources of need for change?
- Environmental? Personal?
- Considers consequences of change?
- Concrete & tangible
- Values-based & intangible
- Considers degree to which the belief of the need for change is accepted? How widespread is the understanding of the need for change?
- Vision statement (This is the change vision statement, not the organizational one!)
- Is it:
- Clear?
- Concise?
- Memorable?
- Inspiring?
- Challenging?
- Related to project?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 4, 2024Week 4 Milestone (Project Interim 2)
To assess your ability to:
- Conduct stakeholder, force field and power analysis
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “Stakeholder, force field and power analysis” by using the following guide:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Identified all the stakeholders?
- Quality of analysis of stakeholder needs
- Analysis of stakeholder support of change project
- Identified those who influence the stakeholders?
- Analysis of influence
- Power analysis
- Have they understood the types of power?
- Quality of power analysis?
- Considered the possibility of coalitions?
- Force field analysis
- Identified forces for and against change?
- Considered how these forces could be increased or decreased?
- Considered what new forces could be created?
- Considered “dumb moves” which could cause resistance?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 11, 2024Week 5 Milestone (Project Interim 3)
To assess your ability to:
- Plan action
Action Items
- Refer to Overview of Change Project.
- You will work on interim change project report “action planning” by using the following guide:
- Which tools for action planning were useful? Why?
- Goal setting: end goal; next goal.
- Critical path considered.
- Contingency planning done.
- Decision tree analysis done.
- Responsibility charting (who does what, when, where, how).
- Others you considered and used.
- How would you propose to assess the validity of your action plan and its prospects for success?
- Does the timed sequenced of activities flow in logical order?
- Were metrics of success and success probabilities considered?
- Is the plan realistic?
- Do you have the personal competence to implement and if not, how will you develop needed competencies or make up for shortcomings in some other way?
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
February 17, 2024Week 6 Milestone (Project Report)
To assess your ability to:
- Create a project report
Submission Instructions
The project report is an important component that is expected by key stakeholders upon completion of a project. In this assignment, you will also compile all previous sections into a comprehensive set of report.
Action Items
- Review, refine, and synthesize the reports you developed throughout the course into a 6- to 8-page document by using the following guide:
- Description of change model
- Rationale for use
- Degree of understanding
- Description of change project
- Fit with model; integration with readings
- Evaluation of success
- Statement of learning
- Lessons learned, individually, if group project
- Integration with readings
- How apply to future change activities
- Quality of exhibits
- Create a 1-to 2-page executive summary, and place it at the beginning of your document.
- Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
- Review your Submission Details and access your Turnitin report. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, designate someone from your team to submit a copy of your team document.
This assignment is worth 125 points.
February 17, 2024Experience end