Data Analytics in Business

ANLC 801
Mercy University
Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States
Assistant Professor
  • September 19, 2023
    Experience start
  • September 19, 2023
    Project Scope Meeting
  • October 31, 2023
    Project Progress Meeting #1
  • December 5, 2023
    Project Final Presentation
  • December 8, 2023
    Experience end
1 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Databases Data analysis Data science
predictive modeling online communication data analysis research
Student goals and capabilities

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Mercy College to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of a term, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.

Students in this program focus on the collection of, and analysis of, data. They learn how to objectively manipulate data into useable data sets, including visual data analytics to help make data backed decisions for more thorough analysis, and use predictive modelling to ascertain future patterns and trends.


Any level
3 students
30 hours per student
Students self-assign
Teams of 3
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Deliverables are negotiable, and will seek to align the needs of the students and the organization.

Some final project deliverables might include:

  1. A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
  2. A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
Project timeline
  • September 19, 2023
    Experience start
  • September 19, 2023
    Project Scope Meeting
  • October 31, 2023
    Project Progress Meeting #1
  • December 5, 2023
    Project Final Presentation
  • December 8, 2023
    Experience end

Project Examples


Students in groups of 2-3 will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.

Project activities that students can complete may include, but are not limited to:

  • Effective data collection
  • Collecting and cleaning data from multiple sources
  • Data manipulation and analysis
  • Storytelling and presenting with the data analyzed
  • Decisions that can be made based on the data and predictive modelling

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q1 - Checkbox
  • Q2 - Text short
    How is your project relevant to the course?
  • Q3 - Checkbox
  • Q4 - Checkbox
  • Q5 - Checkbox